Welcome to MW-Gaia

MW-GAIA will provide European leadership in understanding the Galaxy, its stars and planets, enhance the potential of the community in its scientific exploitation of the observations of more than a billion stars with the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite, and enhance the development of the next steps in astrometry and space astrometry missions.

The Action brings together key stakeholders from across Europe, to leverage expertise, and develop new techniques to fully maximise the scientific returns from Gaia's rich and complex data.

Five key challenges are addressed: The Milky Way as a Galaxy, The Life and Death of Stars; Planetary Systems Near and Far; Gaia Fundamentals: Space and Time; and Astrometry Innovation Challenge – towards sub-μas astrometry. COST enables the vital Action activities, supporting exchanges, training and meetings.

The Action will have a significant legacy, creating a dynamic and vibrant network of researchers with expertise in the study of the Milky Way, its constituents and the art of Astrometry. Participation is inclusive, with researchers accessing the Network from across Europe, irrespective of their gender or location.

This COST Action commenced 14 Mar 2019 and completed 13 Sep 2023.

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WG5 School: Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA

The WG5 school (held in Villnius, LT) will be in person, and will be held 3 - 5, July 2023

Deadline for registration: 1 June 2023

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MW-Gaia 2023 Activities Launched

The programme of work for the next and final grant period until 13 Sep 2023 of MW-Gaia has now been published. Please see the list of workshops and schools. Also the calls for STSMs and ITC conference grants.

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WG3 School: Exoplanets and astrostatistical analysis techniques

The WG3 school (held in Geneva, CH) will be in person, and will be held 12 - 16, September 2022

Deadline for pre-registration: 15 June 2022

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MW-Gaia Grant Period 3 Open

The third grant period list of activities for MW-Gaia has now been published. These cover activities until 31 Oct 2022. There are a range of workshops and a school planned - hopefully these will be face to face meetings - although all will have the opportunity to participate remotely as well. In addition the exchange visit programme call is now open (see the STSM page) together with the oppotunity for those working in ITC countries to obtain conference grant support (see the ITC Conference grant page).

Happy New Year to you all.

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WG2 School: Stellar Spectroscopy and Astrophysical parameterization

WG2 School: Stellar Spectroscopy and Astrophysical parameterization: Registration Open

All sessions will be on-line. Registration is free of charge, but participant number will be limited.

Dead-line for registration and abstract submission: Sept.5th, 2021

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  • COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.
  • Funded by the European Union

    © 2019-2023 MW-Gaia COST Action CA18104 Contact: mw-gaia@ast.cam.ac.uk

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